Lee Limerick – Sweet Slow Sound

Sweet Slow Sound is a reggae tune that I woke up and wrote in the middle of the night after humming it all day. It's the first of many new songs I have written this past year which will alll be released in the coming months.

It's been an exciting time for me as a songwriter. I don't really stick to any particular genre, I just love being able to plug in my guitar and start jotting stuff down when I have something humming away in my little head. There's a 90s style hard rock album on the way and also some disco/dance tunes too. I'm lucky to have some super talented friends who will be playing on these upcoming releases.

On this day (well, crazy o'clock in the morning!), it was reggae. I've been a big lover of reggae music all my life, I play a lot of it at my gigs, it's the music of peace 'n' love!

With love and thanks to all the great reggae artists who's music brought me here. 🙂

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